Developed and will administer the Cinema Studies Minor at New Jersey City University.
New Jersey City University student trip to Paris, France. Visits and discussions included such sites as the Cinemateque Francais, the Musee D’Orsay, the Louvre Museum, Le Monde Arab Museum, the Wax Museum, the cafes of Paris, Monmarte. March 9 to March 16, 2014.
New Jersey City University student trip to Washington D.C.. Visits included interview with legislative assistant (and ex-deputy mayor of Newark) Adam Zipkin in Cory Booker’s office, Lincoln Monument, Vietnam Veterans War Memorial, Spy Museum, Newseum, and the National Gallery of Art to view Gaary Winogrand Photo exhibit. April 24 - 26, 2014.
New Jersey City University student trip to Rome, Italy. Visits included such sites as the Coliseum, the Villa Borghese, and Cinecitta Film Studios, the Vatican, witnessed the election of Pope Francesco at St. Peter’s Square, students interviewed and televised by NBC and CBS news March 10 to March 17, 2013.
New Jersey City University student trip to Washington D.C.. Visits included Senate, House of Representatives – gun control legislation, Lincoln Monument, Vietnam Veterans War Memorial, Spy Museum, Newseum, and the National Gallery of Art, contemporary wing. Nam June Piak exhibit, April 24 - 26, 2013.